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I own a Morn action figure, have Mark Allen Shepard’s autographed Morn card as well, because of his character being a Cheers reference. I even have a metal die cut Morn card somewhere I think.
TNG Ferengi were more interesting. DS9 they just felt like filler B characters and any Ferengi episodes were inane. But then, I think DS9 sucked.
I mean, the Ferengi were a total flop. They were meant to be the big bad guys in TNG but their appearance was deemed too humorous. That’s how we got the Borg - needed a big bad guy.
They are excellent negotiators and traders. If you need something like an ionized plasma channel or even a prototype phase cloak, the Ferengi can find it for you.
Minus Ferengi, they’re boring.
they were the center of some of DS9’s best episodes
One dimensional crap imo.
TNG Ferengi or DS9 Ferengi?
@Rozauhtuno @cabron_offsets DS9, because of Quark’s bar alone.
I own a Morn action figure, have Mark Allen Shepard’s autographed Morn card as well, because of his character being a Cheers reference. I even have a metal die cut Morn card somewhere I think.
…I may also be an alcoholic. 🤔
TNG Ferengi were more interesting. DS9 they just felt like filler B characters and any Ferengi episodes were inane. But then, I think DS9 sucked.
I mean, the Ferengi were a total flop. They were meant to be the big bad guys in TNG but their appearance was deemed too humorous. That’s how we got the Borg - needed a big bad guy.
They are excellent negotiators and traders. If you need something like an ionized plasma channel or even a prototype phase cloak, the Ferengi can find it for you.