Picking up the phone when militias, who are overruning a terrorist led government, want air power to put the nail in his coffin… hardly a NATO led war.
Cherry picking moments from the Arab Spring really shows the biased perspective at play. A dozen countries experienced turmoil. The US lost people at the Benghazi Embassy in 2012. Where were the battalions of soldiers to defend them in the NATO war? Oh right, there were none, because it wasn’t a NATO war.
Picking up the phone when militias, who are overruning a terrorist led government, want air power to put the nail in his coffin… hardly a NATO led war.
Cherry picking moments from the Arab Spring really shows the biased perspective at play. A dozen countries experienced turmoil. The US lost people at the Benghazi Embassy in 2012. Where were the battalions of soldiers to defend them in the NATO war? Oh right, there were none, because it wasn’t a NATO war.
Black people can’t possibly have a better grasp of what’s going on in their backyard than white people on the other side of the planet.
Military dictatorships can’t possibly lie or exaggerate to further their own interests.
Weird that you went for skin color instead of just calling them Africans.
I’d argue no, they don’t. There is a reason they come to Western militaries for training, which includes intelligence gathering.