I’m working in real life to organize which is a hell of a lot more useful than trying to demoralize progressives online. I tell people as often as I can, especially my trans and bipoc friends; now is the time. Get a couple guns (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic first aid, you really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Start networking with like-minded people in your communities. The police will not protect us, they’ve proven they’ll happily club senior citizens to the ground and shoot any protesters in the face with rubber bullets while escorting a rightwing murderer to safety.
Iran was a secular, liberal state until almost 1980 when they (mostly legitimately) elected an Islamist theocracy; it could happen here.
Get to know people in your community. Take an interest in growing food, learn how to fix things. Get a gun (or two) and learn how to use them. Establish secondary lines of communication and start preparing. Put in the work instead of suppressing people who are on your side.
If arguing against strawmen makes you feel good then you can continue doing that. I know righteousness feels good but you’re completely missing the point.
I pointed out a problem. I admit I don’t know a solution for it, but I consider the party’s lack of credibility to be the most immediate problem it needs to overcome in order to pose a serious threat to republicans.
So, I asked what your solution was, and you were like “I organize! Be a prepper! Mutual aid!” None of which actually address the problem we were talking about.
How do we restore trust in democratic primaries? I mean, besides telling anyone who notices the problem to shut up?
Now that’s actual real question that contributes to the conversation.
I mean, besides telling anyone who notices the problem to shut up?
I’ll tell whiny little crybabies to shut up all day long if they’re not contributing shit. You should try it, it’s harder than snarky thought-terminating cliches but you can make actual progress that way.
Now that’s actual real question that contributes to the conversation.
It’s core to everything I’ve been saying so far. So what’s your solution? I don’t have one, which means I must be silent about the problem. But you surely have a solution, right? You need solutions to talk about problems, or you’re a whiny little crybaby who isn’t contributing shit, in your words.
Organize offline, meet people in your community, shitposting online isn’t going to do anything. Reference my previous comment, organize locally with like minded people and start preparing for things to get really bad.
I’m working in real life to organize which is a hell of a lot more useful than trying to demoralize progressives online. I tell people as often as I can, especially my trans and bipoc friends; now is the time. Get a couple guns (a long one and a short one) and learn how to use them. Learn some basic first aid, you really just need to know how to stabilize someone. Start networking with like-minded people in your communities. The police will not protect us, they’ve proven they’ll happily club senior citizens to the ground and shoot any protesters in the face with rubber bullets while escorting a rightwing murderer to safety.
Iran was a secular, liberal state until almost 1980 when they (mostly legitimately) elected an Islamist theocracy; it could happen here.
Get to know people in your community. Take an interest in growing food, learn how to fix things. Get a gun (or two) and learn how to use them. Establish secondary lines of communication and start preparing. Put in the work instead of suppressing people who are on your side.
Ok, and how will becoming a prepper get the party to start holding trustworthy primaries?
That’s what you took from that entire statement?
OK then, I think I’ve discovered the problem. Have a nice day.
Yeah, I’m not willing to pretend that untrustworthy primaries are trustworthy, and you consider that a problem.
If arguing against strawmen makes you feel good then you can continue doing that. I know righteousness feels good but you’re completely missing the point.
I pointed out a problem. I admit I don’t know a solution for it, but I consider the party’s lack of credibility to be the most immediate problem it needs to overcome in order to pose a serious threat to republicans.
So, I asked what your solution was, and you were like “I organize! Be a prepper! Mutual aid!” None of which actually address the problem we were talking about.
How do we restore trust in democratic primaries? I mean, besides telling anyone who notices the problem to shut up?
Now that’s actual real question that contributes to the conversation.
I’ll tell whiny little crybabies to shut up all day long if they’re not contributing shit. You should try it, it’s harder than snarky thought-terminating cliches but you can make actual progress that way.
It’s core to everything I’ve been saying so far. So what’s your solution? I don’t have one, which means I must be silent about the problem. But you surely have a solution, right? You need solutions to talk about problems, or you’re a whiny little crybaby who isn’t contributing shit, in your words.
Organize offline, meet people in your community, shitposting online isn’t going to do anything. Reference my previous comment, organize locally with like minded people and start preparing for things to get really bad.