• MajorasMaskForever@lemmy.world
    4 days ago

    Depends on how the income is replaced for the federal government.

    If you look at income taxes as a way for the federal government to keep things running for all citizens to enjoy, you could argue that every citizen should pay a fixed even amount, roughly $15k a year. (based on 2024 IRS Income tax collection and estimated population)

    Federal minimum wage makes ~15k a year so minimum wage jobs turn into basically slavery for the feds where the slaves are homeless. The average family of 5 in the US, who have a mean income somewhere around 70k now owe 75k in taxes putting them and any poorer families into debt with the government, before being able to feed, cloth, and house themselves and all other taxes are off the table.

    As it stands right now, single filers making 90k AGI owe about 15k so people making less than that are basically being subsidized by anyone making more.

    If you keep the IRS income tax revenue the same, but apply it to only earners of 150k+ AGI you have ~20% of the population shouldering the full $5.1T income tax. Spread that evenly and now they would owe 70k per person (currently they owe ~29k) You can play the tax bracket game again to slowly ease people into paying that amount, you’re only increasing the amount of taxes being paid by the higher earners. If that’s what would actually happen, then sure this is can be a good thing to help bolster the economy in terms of more money flowing between citizens, but there’s no way in hell this administration will raise taxes on the higher earners in the US.

    If Trump did this, what would be more likely is the income revenue gets replaced by sales taxes and tariffs which is closer to the first scenario I described where the federal income is more evenly distributed among all citizens, working or otherwise.

    And the revenue will have to get replaced, the federal government subsidizes the fuck out of almost everything and even the 1%ers do not want a reality where the DoD isn’t issuing multi billion dollar contracts. You can’t make a living scraping off the top of contracts when there are no more contracts. Trump and co. celebrating millions of dollars saved by the federal government aren’t even making scratches against current revenue from income taxes, it’s political theater just like this tweet