I’m envisioning full cloud gaming. Games are all hosted in Azure. Device is just a thin client, and it becomes useless if you stop paying your subscription. Of course, it’d already be useless on flights and anywhere with spotty internet.
Has that perfect MS blend of being built on Windows, requiring a subscription fee, and totally missing the whole point of being a handheld.
If true, completely defeats the purpose IMO. Most of the playtime on my Nintendo Switch has been on flights or trains.
There’s still a market for that. People liked the Nvidia Shield and that’s more or less what it is afaik.
Honestly people didn’t care about Shield. It was a hardware show-off on Nvidia’s side and it didn’t bat an eye except for the spec lovers and movie geeks.
Just route it through your phone’s access point.
Do You Guys Not Have Phones?
I’ll believe it when I see Windows running at any sort of performance and battery life in a handheld format. Windows always has issues with breaking out the desktop or very robust laptop format.
The actual hardware is irrelevant to their success unless they can pull off a Surface Pro type of innovative market lead (which we all know they can’t do anymore).
The only thing that matters is the ecosystem. Make every Windows machine an Xbox. Make the OS lean and portable. Run the same OS and games on PCs, laptops, handhelds, and set-top boxes. That’s it. Then console generations are obsolete and Sony is playing catch up.
Make the OS lean and portable.
You think they’re more capable of this than hardware innovation?
Fair point. They basically did it with Windows 8 (engineering-wise), but that was even longer ago than the Surface Pro.
They can’t even get a console to market anymore, why are they branching off to handhelds lol.
Because the Steamdeck proved there was a market, and didn’t run Windows so Microsoft got nothing from it.
What do you mean? How is Microsoft unable to get a console to market?
Just need to get steam os on it