I don’t have any good examples that I know of, but I am very curious. To me though, a rivalry is a rivalry when two or more of people are closely competitive. But is it really a rivalry anymore when someone has more victories over the other? I don’t think so.

  • anon6789@lemmy.world
    9 days ago

    I think manga/anime covers mostly one sided rivalry better than a lot of other media. I think it’s that drive for perfection that pushes many characters. One is already shown to be near perfect, and the other is always trying to catch up.

    Examples would be Bakugo and Midoria from My Hero Academia. Midoria is by far the most powerful and sees Bakugo as a friend, not a rival, but Bakugo is obsessed to outdo him and keeps pressing himself to find a way to do something Midoria cannot.

    I also think of Ippo and Miyata from Hajime no Ippo. There is a bit more 2 sidedness here, but it is mostly Ippo. Miyata sees they are becoming closer in skill, so he leaves the gym to build himself up on his own away from Ippo, and though Ippo beats people that would outclass Miyata, Miyata is still the one Ippo wants to beat since he set him on the start to his success but still was usually one step ahead of where he wanted to be. Miyata wanted to stay that one step ahead, but wasn’t constantly using Ippo to do that after a point, he knew he had to keep looking for greater challenges if he didn’t want to be surpassed.

    • Jarix@lemmy.world
      4 days ago

      Especially if you also consider the abridged version but gokou and vegeta also a good example.

      Kakarot just treats Vegeta like a freind, and Vegeta will never think of Gokou as someone he has to surpass and maintain some kind of supremecy over

      • anon6789@lemmy.world
        4 days ago

        Vegeta really goes to great lengths to try and catch up. Goku just makes it look so easy while Vegeta is always taking a beating and getting better, but nowhere near Goku. The guy even lets himself get possessed to try to catch up.