(Solved) This will be used in CLI mode to do some tiny programming and text file note-taking. Having WiFi would be nice. The price has got to be CHEAP. ARM is ok.
OP decided to kill windows on the Timberborn machine and go with Debian.
(Solved) This will be used in CLI mode to do some tiny programming and text file note-taking. Having WiFi would be nice. The price has got to be CHEAP. ARM is ok.
OP decided to kill windows on the Timberborn machine and go with Debian.
Just use a phone?
For programming?!
Zoomers takes notes on their phones, bet they do programming as bell
Nonsense. Doing anything beyond minimal scripting in any device other than a full-blown keyboard is painful.
So is taking notes, but still the phones are used for note taking
If you are unable to see the difference between occasionsl notes and full blown programming, this discussion is pointless.
Obviously since you can’t see the difference between occasional coding and full blown note taking. 🙄 Enjoy your week 👋
Have a miserable year and get lost.
Op didn’t say what she wants to do. I maintain my server with my phone. If I really wanted to, I could also work on it efficidntly
btw, I am a he/him : ^ ) But thanks for being inclusive.
Why would you, unless you really enjoy pain? I’m not kink shaming, but I don’t mix work and kinks.
too small, no keyboard - I tried using my phone with a USB keyboard and a OTG adapter and most keys work but for some reason escape did not.