For the workplace, calls are king. If you’re a professional, calling another professional, it’s the easiest and fastest way to exchange information back and forth. Long email chains that take several days to reach their conclusion are inefficient. If you need something done, in the work/business arena, just call. Younger generations are entering the workforce for first time and are scared to make or answer calls. It’s embarrassing.
Sure, outside of work, keep calls to a bare minimum. Family usually text first to arrange a phone call.
People have no back bone anymore. Oh no, I’m getting telemarketing calls… Just hang up.
Id say 20% of the time at work when someone calls its usually someone trying to do a sketchy end-run around the rules or get access to something they shouldnt have and they dont want it documented that they asked.
Sometimes it’s better to not put things in writing. I hear what your saying, but some sensitive topics require a personal connection to truely discuss, with tone of voice to help
Sure, but cold calling someone is still a dick move. Professionals have schedules and deadlines. The proper etiquette is to first engage over email or text and ask if they’re free for a call unless it’s something truly urgent.
Calling with IT professionals is extremely inefficient when discussing technical details where correct settings (ip’s, ports, paths etc) matter. At best a call here is only useful to indicate the urgency of the mail that was sent.
I use ms teams for work, and I agree, it’s been a game changer in terms of productivity. But I’ll still call someone in teams of I know they’re at there computer. Camera on an all. It’s about being personal. Building rapport with colleagues and other professionals aids tremendously with productivity and also job satisfaction.
For the workplace, calls are king. If you’re a professional, calling another professional, it’s the easiest and fastest way to exchange information back and forth. Long email chains that take several days to reach their conclusion are inefficient. If you need something done, in the work/business arena, just call. Younger generations are entering the workforce for first time and are scared to make or answer calls. It’s embarrassing.
Sure, outside of work, keep calls to a bare minimum. Family usually text first to arrange a phone call.
People have no back bone anymore. Oh no, I’m getting telemarketing calls… Just hang up.
Id say 20% of the time at work when someone calls its usually someone trying to do a sketchy end-run around the rules or get access to something they shouldnt have and they dont want it documented that they asked.
Sometimes it’s better to not put things in writing. I hear what your saying, but some sensitive topics require a personal connection to truely discuss, with tone of voice to help
Sure, but cold calling someone is still a dick move. Professionals have schedules and deadlines. The proper etiquette is to first engage over email or text and ask if they’re free for a call unless it’s something truly urgent.
Thats an insane take. Especially for anyone that isn’t slave to the notification storm on a phone.
Cold calling is the equivalent of barging into someone’s house and yelling “Fuck you and what you’re doing. I’m more important.”
Again. Insane take by someone that likely is glued to a phone 24/7.
It’s okay to not answer or answer and say, call me later.
My thoughts exactly.
Calling with IT professionals is extremely inefficient when discussing technical details where correct settings (ip’s, ports, paths etc) matter. At best a call here is only useful to indicate the urgency of the mail that was sent.
Yeah but why phone calls? Slack or some equivalent is just superior in every way.
I use ms teams for work, and I agree, it’s been a game changer in terms of productivity. But I’ll still call someone in teams of I know they’re at there computer. Camera on an all. It’s about being personal. Building rapport with colleagues and other professionals aids tremendously with productivity and also job satisfaction.