Islamic scholars consulted by a leading producer of cultivated meat say that the newfangled protein — which is grown from animal cells and doesn’t require animals to be slaughtered — can be halal, or permissible under Muslim law.
And the Jewish Orthodox Union this month certified a strain of lab-grown chicken as kosher for the first time, “marking a significant step forward for the food technology’s acceptance under Jewish dietary law,” as the Times of Israel put it.
religious people are deranged
Okay but this isn’t an example of zealots being weird, and food taboos in general are usually based on cultural hygiene. For example, poorly run pig pens are typically filthy disease vectors so it’s not strange that a society would ban them as meat animals.
Basic food safety has nothing to do with religion, religious people have purpose here
The point he was making was that it likely did. Imagine you are a leader and your uneducated peasants keep dying from stupid practices with meat. You tell them your scholars have discovered that pork must be cooked longer to be safe. They tell you they’ve always eaten it that way and it’s too dry when overcooked. So they eating rare pork and keep dying. So instead you write that God says not to eat that meat. Boom, problem solved.