People asking if this is legal are missing the point. This is wrong, what is legal is whatever the executive decides, ICE can only be solved with constitunially supported extra judicial action.
People asking if this is legal are missing the point. This is wrong, what is legal is whatever the executive decides, ICE can only be solved with constitunially supported extra judicial action.
Bitch ass markwayne was terrified of the insurrectionists on J6 never forget
Bobby hill
This man has a bunker and everything. He’s scared shitless and he is ready to hide. Their assets need to be seized and accounts drained
Never apologized for any of the myriad of things he’s done to piss off the world, must not like money that much
I don’t disagree with this, but even in your statement they had overwhelming support of proletariat. There will be no vanguard if we don’t have an organized, unionized, proletariat. So I still think as it stands we’re just waiting around for a small group of people to do the revolution and just accept their conception. Which would be a bad idea, which is why I think workers need to realize aspects of this world that is worth fighting for right now
We need to normalize not just starting worker owned and run co-ops, but taking over businesses and converting them to these co-ops.
Federate the co-ops, establish a shared workforce (one co-op goes under/not enough business at x? Come work at y) and have them become actual workers councils
The Marxist critiques of this are not lost on me, co-ops are not immune to exploitation and fool proof by virtue of existing under capitalism but I think we need them for two reasons:
Sitting around and waiting for a revolution from a small group of people with one idea of how to run things is a bad idea
We need to practice what actual day to day life will look like. I think the experiences and connections made will far outweigh all of the bookclubs, protests and other purely political avenues of organizing
It doesn’t need to be all central planning and state owned, it doesn’t all have to be zaney pure communal experimentation right from the start …people could just literally experience going to work at a normal job but feel the agency of having a say in their workplace, not live in fear of an overbearing boss, decide their wages, always have a place in case their job implodes or they become redundant (bounce to co-op y).
Empathy makes us human. To completely lack empathy implies a brain disorder
Even if boycotting were illegal how in the fuck would that be enforceable?
Oh they’re totally preparing to see how far they can invade us and how far in we’ll invite them in before fighting back
America is compromised, to what extent we know they aren’t our friends or what extent we are willingly letting them gain the advantage I am not sure. I think this administration is so full of useful idiots and paid off assets it doesn’t matter the end result is the same: no more allies, new “allies” that are poised to invade and win without support of the former allies
This is why the means to commit these atrocities should not exist. Evil will always exist no matter the framework or environment, good people can always be made to do bad things. You give the most oppressed and agrieved people the weapons, money, hierarchy and financial incentive to oppress and they will
That’s why I feel it’s so important to make a society that defaults to “morality” and limits the tools for harm without requiring utopian ideas of universal goodwill and altruism amongst all citizens to keep the system inherently good and altruistic
It takes a crazy amount of resources to set up a society be okay with torture, to shape media just right to allow apathy or ignorance, to wage wars and to gin up the support of these wars that require billions to wage.
I would get your family out of America. People downplaying this are willfully ignorant. Maga pretending it’s all hysterics are wrong, tankies pretending this is business as usual because “America bad” are wrong.
All the groundwork is laid to mass imprison and deport dissidents, the definition of dissident is widening, we are witnessing a complete lack of checks and if your last hope is violence from the populace or the military to fix this then I think Americans need to trust their gut and recognize this place isn’t worth staying
I also think while yelling racial slurs should not be illegal, organizing and mobilizing under a racist ideology that promises to eliminate free speech should be criminalized. The tricky part is doing it in a way that won’t be abused ie calling things that aren’t racist and supremacist ideology those things to criminalize them.
If only there was an art vs porn emergency button encoded into the law. You just know it when you see it and can call things what they are
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Opposition party doesn’t get to sleep when they are the minority or voted out. It’s their job to rally and agitate. That they do not means they are actually okay with what is happening
We’re so close to just having the workers run their own affairs, the table is set we just have to make everyone realize the actual owners are useless and do nothing
I still think the distinction matters, fascism is the empire turned inwards.
America exerting fascism on other populations is just textbook liberalism. The facade of democracy and relative peace at home is different than fascism. Fascism demands obedience of the local population and is a full merger of corporation and state. Laws don’t matter, only the head of states will matters.
They’re both bad, but I think it’s disingenuous to tell people who are about to live under fascism that the liberal government they just had was also fascism because they oppressed populations around the globe.
Basically the time for lectures was when we were living under fake “fascism” and the time for gun and survival training is now
I don’t disagree that liberal democracies are capable and have been brutal to their populations, but to say they are just as brutal as fascism is just disingenuous. Contrary to popular belief, the average American does not live day to day in fear that they are about to get fucked by the state for no reason at all, and that’s even acknowledging the measures the state goes to criminalize and punish the most desperate in us society. We don’t fear state repression and death for the wrong opinion, looking a certain way.
It’s even more absurd to conflate fascism with European western democracies with their myriad of safety nets. I think painting things in this light doesn’t make socialism more appealing, just makes fascism look more acceptable and less dangerous.
I agree with critiques on us imperialism and the need for socialism, I just think it’s strange to treat fascism with kids gloves
I find irony that they disregard expert opinions on the things they are experts for (climate scientists for example) but will accept an entire worldview of opinions based on someone being “smart” like the opinion of a software engineer has on philosophy or politics.
Reject the expert on the subject they’re an expert on because that makes them “elite” and they were trained to think that was bad, but accept an unfounded opinion of someone who may be smart in an unrelated field because the opinion is “different” so it must be “smart”
I think this is the trap all self assigned internet intellectuals fall into. They parrot opinions and vibes from echo chambers that discredit real science or real reporting and call it enlightenment. This in itself is stupid, but then even more stupid people are drawn in and suddenly we have a big club of geniuses