That take is rank fucking idiocy
That take is rank fucking idiocy
Crushingly idiotic take. You can argue that almost anything done with professional competence is a form of art. It’s her fucking job. She can live her life according to her backward, dark age mythology on her own time.
Life is not Factorio, brah. You can’t just plop a factory down and start production. It will take a decade and cost billions. At which point a new administration will be here and will repeal the tariffs.
He isn’t smart. He’s just a narcissist that lives deep in the warm embrace of Dunning-Kuger
The difference in speed is familiarity, not some inherent efficiency gain by typing commands into the cli.
You could not have missed the point harder
Ah, the existential bliss of being in the bottom third of the food chain.
It’s not blaming leftists. It’s blaming people too fucking stupid to vote.
If you listen to the people on Lemmy, everything is incompatible with capitalism. So do we cower in the corner and hope the problems away?
The amount of death and destruction attributable to all nuclear accidents since we figured out fission is barely statistically significant when compared to fossil fuel consumption.
Regulatory agencies can and do keep accidents from happening. Not always, because people are both stupid and corrupt. But mostly.
Capitalism isn’t going away any time soon. Maybe in a post fusion world, we’ll cross the threshold of post-scarcity too. Until that happens, we do the best we can with the tools at our disposal.
You could make the same argument about literally anything. Capitalism caused the 737Max disasters. You want to give up planes?
It’s gratifying to know you don’t mind recognition for being literally too stupid to vote.
Right, and for some reason replacing “screen” with “paper” makes it somehow not a problem?
Trump can declare whatever he wants. No one is going to listen to him.
No one is buying the bullshit you have for sale.
Billions got damaged, huh? That sounds serious.
There was never any science saying “cigarettes are healthy”.
Science doesn’t change just because some groups try to use it to forward an agenda.
Nice strawman you got there. Get it on sale?
Which is also why socialism will never work. Humans are piss poor at evaluating the common good and making decisions collectively (see also: the last US election.)