Pairing up might have been the best move our ancestors ever made

  • Jerkface (any/all)
    2 years ago

    Humans are not monogamous. A monogamous species would not feel sexual attraction and desire for people who are not their mate or a potential mate. The mere fact that we want to fuck everyone is proof, and insisting that humans are monogamous despite the available data showing someone has other partners in a huge portion of all long term relationships sounds a lot like denial.

    Human “monogamy” is a common social convention, not a biological feature of humanity. DUH.

      2 years ago

      data showing someone has other partners in a huge portion of all long term relationships

      That’s called cheating. Is that your excuse when you get caught? ‘I can’t help it, it’s just my nature!’

      psychological denial

      Funny coming from someone who felt compelled to write this dumbshit comment on an anonymous forum justifying their shitty behavior.

      The mere fact that we want to fuck everyone is proof

      I really like pizza. I want to eat more pizza than is healthy. That is my nature. Fortunately I happen to be a human; humans possess higher cognitive abilities than animals, so they can employ logic rather than defaulting to natural instinct. Animalistic urges are not justification for being a piece of shit human being.

      2 years ago

      God forbid you should read the paper and discuss the evidence rather than spouting your psycho-babble bullshit.

      • Jerkface (any/all)
        2 years ago

        It’s not a paper, it’s a fluffy article in a pop magazine.

        I read a lot of it and it wasn’t very interesting. However, the very fucking first thing it tells us is that there are many people on Earth right now WHO DO NOT PRACTICE MONOGAMY. Did YOU read that part?

        Y’know why it says that? Because humans are not monogamous! Not in the sense that we mean when talking about other animals. We can choose to have monogamous relationships (though many of them fail even when they want to for reasons those people largely do not even understand) but that doesn’t make us a monogamous species.

        I don’t know why you are pissed off at me, but I hope you are having fun doing it.

          2 years ago

          I don’t know why you are pissed off at me

          Probably because you came into a science forum, made some asinine claim with zero supporting evidence, and now that you’ve been challenged, you’re acting like a victim. Without evidence there is no argument, no discussion, no anything. Evidence is the only truth that we have. If you do not have evidence, your claim is inherently bullshit. It’s not even worth discussing until you have some factual basis upon which to build that discussion.

          “Some humans aren’t monogamous, therefore humans are not monogamous.” isn’t good enough. That doesn’t even make sense, I can’t believe you fuckin’ said that.

          You made the claim, you carry the burden of proof. Instead of acting like a fucking child, you could have been looking for papers that support your argument. I just glanced at Google Scholar for all of 3 minutes and scrolled through no less than 5 pages of papers on the topic of human monogamy. What’s your excuse? Go find some proof, or shut the fuck up.