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Arch users will never compare against the gods that use Gentoo…
But even the Gentoo gods will never compare against the madness of the Lovecraftian Ancient Ones that use LFS.
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don’t say their name so nonchalantly, they are always listening in the shadows
@Monologue @kitsuneofinari I use arch btw
Don’t you have some compiling to wait for?
Waiting for compilation is the most satisfying thing in universe. It’s almost orgasmic.
I use Arch btw.
As a former long-time Gentoo user, I use Arch 😉
What’s the appeal of purposely using a user unfriendly system? I’m a Linux beginner and I use easy to use distros. Just curious as to why torture yourself?
I wouldn’t say they are user unfriendly, just not fit for beginners. There are definite advantages to those distros for advanced users, as they offer way more customisation than beginner friendly distros.
I don’t get arch,but I have a life and much prefure ubuntu over Amy linux distro
I smell a little bitch here…
what do you mean by “i have a life” ?
It’s as shrimple as that
i have a big problem with that, because i don’t get how life is better for not using any diy distro ?
Bruh, I have things like work life and family, again arch is arch and I have a life
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