Think about the impact it would have on climate change if humans were allergic to meat.
There seems to be a wildly unusual anti-meat sentiment on Lemmy. It’s disproportionate from my experience in person.
I wonder if it means anything.
Lemmy’s userbase is currently skewed very left wing, many people on the left are vegan or vegetarian or at least care about climate change enough to see reduction in meat consumption as a necessity to fixing it.
So it shouldn’t be too much of a surprise that you see more anti-meat discourse.
Disclaimer: I eat meat
I don’t think many on the left are vegan or vegetarian, I think that those two groups tend to live in the left spectrum. They’re far outweighed by those that do eat meat.
They’re far outweighed by those that do eat meat.
Hehe, meat-eaters fat
True, but the proportion of non-meat eaters is certainly much higher with the sort of people that make up the majority of this community than with the whole population
I’m confused by this and totally open for evidence that proves otherwise, but literally everyone I know who is vegetarian or vegan is a bit more or…insanely more on the conservative side.
I don’t know any liberal vegetarian or vegans.
Depends on where you’re from. There are countries like India where being vegetarian is a conservative, religious policy, where as in the US, being vegetarian (mostly vegan) is a liberal choice.
Wait, really? My experience has been the exact opposite. Where do you live, generally?
Portland, Oregon.
Huh, fascinating. I grew up in the Northeast and live in the Southeast now. I wanna do a sociological study on this.
That’s fascinating, here in Germany it’s the opposite, at least in my experience. Everyone I know who is vegetarian or vegan (including me) tends to lean more left than those who eat meat.
I think you know some crunchy people. Or some republicans with a little bit of extra brain damage. There is a very strong left bias in vegan circles and vegetarians to a lesser extent
Fair enough, appreciate the insight!
Vegan here. I don’t know any conservative vegans, except for a single YouTuber. From an anti-oppression perspective, being on the right doesn’t really make sense for veganism. The right will perpetually define the needless taking of conscious life as personal choice as if the choice itself is morally relevant. Anyway, perhaps you live in an area with lots of repubs and neolibs?
Portland, Oregon.
I think overall I associate more people on the left being vegan than the right; however, anecdotally I know more vegans that are conservative/right leaning. I don’t know why that is other than maybe it being a fairly well off area with hippie roots.
I am left wing but I’m not vegan and I’ll never be vеgаn and that is my personal choice
I don’t mind if others are vеgаn or vegetarian but when you start bullying people off a platform for not being vеgаn then that’s when I do mind
If I do see any of that bullying I do report it and I suggest you should too
/positive connotation
Who’s being bullied?
I haven’t seen any bullying by vegetarians at all
there’s a video of a bunch of vegans stoping a truck from moving for a few hours, truly terrifying terrorism
The average lemmy user is more educated and empathetic to the impact of the industrial meat industry than the average person?
We’re all ticks here
GGs I was the tick
We are rats, sir
Meh. I’m not vegan. I just thought it was an interesting connection. Possibly another example of nature fighting back.
Lemmy is a foss anti-coporate project, what kind of demographics do you expect to see here ?
Lemmy is a vegan trans leftist echo chamber
These damn vegan echo chambers. They’re talking about vegan recipes to try out
And sharing our seitanic rites.
I could think of worse echo chambers
Maybe, but echo chambers are never a good thing
I’m in the “human rights are good, actually” echo chamber
Everyone is the good guy in their own mind atleast is a space to discuss things positively but I’d rather it not become an echo chamber
Source: me being a leftist who says trans rights are human rights
Look at this guy
I suppose. but I worry about those who cannot biologically process a vegetarian diet no matter the supplements they take. If they get bitten by the tick, they’re fucked
You’d have to be pretty damn unlucky to not only have one rare condition affecting your diet, but also get bitten by the makes-you-vegetarian-bug
I do hate that this is downvoted as your comment seems to have been targeted out of rash and inflammatory reaction to your comment
Your comment is logical and I believe people who don’t choose to be vеgаn shouldn’t be forced into it
I’d hoped this response to comments would have stayed on reddit but apparently not
It’s a shame, but tribalism is built into our species; the moment someone gets even a whiff of ‘us vs them’, it comes back into the forefront.
That’s a thing? I mean, non-meat products are… well, an absolute fuckton. Obviously I know there’s stuff like gluten or fructose intolerance, allergies, etc.,but the spectrum of “things that aren’t meat” just seems too large for somebody to be incapable to live without it. Like, you would have to be absolute stacked with rare medical issues affecting your dietary options.
Ecoterrorists finally figured it out.
Ticks are terrible; creepy just as little things that get on you, but then they also carry all sorts of diseases which really drives up the paranoia after every hike
Read anything about Lyme disease and you’ll never feel safe again.
A friend of mine got this. It took forever to pin down what was wrong (basically it was like having IBS but didn’t know why). After learning about it he asked his doctor to test for it and they were like “lol, no way but sure okay” and lo and behold…
What did they test for, exactly? Meat allergy?
Yes, you can test for antibodies that indicate what allergies you have.
I’m deathly allergic to chicken, turkey, tuna, ham, and a few other meats randomly. Life is so shit now. They hide meat products in literally everything. It’s FUCKED.
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I don’t think I’ve ever seen meat being hidden in stuff. Milk, though? Fucking everywhere. Just 1% milk powder in everything so they can get those dairy subsidies.
Meat derivatives are in a lot of products. Seasonings, sauces, etc. can hide a lot of those. You can order like a teriyaki tofu dish, for example, and most of the time you’ll be fine. But you’ll eventually run into a variety here and there that uses dashi or oyster sauce in the ingredients. Or you get kimchi and have to worry about the same thing with fish sauce. You get a bag of BBQ potato chips, there’s a chance it contains chicken. Order a cheese pizza, the sauce may still contain tiny bits of sausage. Even a vegetable soup may still use beef or chicken stock.
Damn, maybe that’s a regional thing. You know, food regulations and stuff. I’ve definitely seen a couple examples of what you’re talking about, but I’ve never seen it as common.
Just to clarify, it’s not that they don’t list the ingredients (that would be very illegal), but for people who have a food allergy or dietary restriction, it’s something that you have to stay vigilant about. Most teriyaki sauces do not contain animal products, for example, but some do. And whether that is just honey, or if it’s a meat derivative, it comes down to checking the ingredients list. And if you’re not the one preparing a particular dish yourself, it can be difficult to trust. You can go to any restaurant and inform the server of your allergies/restrictions, but that basically boils down to how much you trust someone paid minimum wage or less to care about you.
This happened to me about 5 years ago. Wasn’t too bad. Just had hives and awful gut pain. Enough to make you not want it but nothing life threatening.
Since I’ve figured it out, I’ve had beef or pork accidentally maybe two or three times. Feel awful for about a day.
I don’t miss red meat too much. Thinking about going full vegetarian.
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I have it. It took years to get diagnosed and it was making me SICK. I’ve had reactions from breathing the air where they’re cooking meat. It’s no joke
Vegans: “Write that down! Write that down!”
An ex of mine was a vegetarian, and when she heard about Lonestar ticks, she said it would sure be funny if she put one on me so I would have to be a vegetarian too. That was the moment she became an ex.
Huge methane emissions reduction thanks to a little tick
And we’d still have poultry and fish in the end.
Not the worst thing that a tick could be spreading at all.
Considering it usually coincides with Lyme disease, I’d say it’s still pretty damn bad
This. Those who would purposely catch these to get a nation of vegetarians like some people have mentioned would be giving people Lyme disease and other nasties that come with being bitten by a tick. These aren’t things to mess around with.
Lyme and babiosis.
This species is also suspected to carry a spirochete bacteria in the same genus as Lyme disease bacteria. It’s symptoms are very similar to Lyme. The infection is named STARI, short for Southern Tick Associated Rash Illness. My spouse got it in 2010 and has never been the same since.
Vegans: How can i learn this power?
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Everybody gangsta until Texans become allergic to BBQs
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