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This was my risky click for the day. Worth it.
Yer a woodpecker, Hairy
It’s a Downey woodpecker.
How does one tell the difference? What are the most distinguishing features?
The Iron Man suit is a dead giveaway of a male Downey when they’re in full mating plumage.
The downy is more sparrow-sized, while I think the hairy is more between the size of a cardinal and blue jay, but in this picture you’d use the bill. The hairy’s bill is much larger in proportion to its head.
This was the same size as a blue jay.
Ah, Hairy Woodpecker it is then
Yeah, my wife calls me that sometimes too.
That’s a bird, not a hairy pecker.
I’m sorry, a what?
Until I checked, I was so sure that was a great spotted woodpecker (Dendrocopos major). Once you know what to look for, you can easily tell them which one is which. They’re not even in the same genus, but they look deceptively similar anyway.