Traitors gotta trait.
Is that your assessment or are you predicting his next argument to dismiss? lol
Well played lol.
No shit. He’s a fucking criminal.
I’m starting to wonder if Trump is intentionally trying to ruin his future presidential prospects. He didn’t seem thrilled to win the presidency the first time around, it makes me wonder if he’s trying to make sure he can’t get elected the second time around; but he’s doing it in a way that’ll make him a political martyr so he can profit off it.
The idea being that he might have decided that, as profitable as being president was, there were too many legal restrictions and too much scrutiny to be worth it. Both cases have gotten him into a lot of trouble, the legal aspects potentially barring him from running again, whereas the scrutiny caused his illegal real estate practices to get uncovered. It seems possible he doesn’t want to go through that again.
However, he can’t just drop out, he’s too popular for that and his voter base would possibly turn on him if he did; but what he can do is try to intentionally ruin his ability to run for president again via incredibly incompetent legal defense. Then he can claim it was the deep state and throw a big pity-party followed by book deals, podcast interviews, etc.
If I’m correct, then I predict that what will happen is if Trump is found guilty and barred from holding the presidency, his lawyers will likely try to petition for home arrest. Then, he will go out on social media and declare that he has decided to stop campaigning, either voluntarily or because the “deep state” forced him to stop. There won’t be any serious legal appeals, it’ll be a bit anti-climactic. He’ll pretend to melt-down on social media but within a week or maybe a month he’ll be more focused on interviews and book deals than on calling out politicians. Basically what I’m trying to say is that if I’m right, and he loses the cases against him I’m expecting him to put up a token of resistance and then go find other ways of fleecing his followers, because he’s decided he can make more money as a disgraced former president than someone in office.
This is funny because these same ideas of him not wanting to get elected came up last time even during primary season. At this point to think something so naive you either aren’t paying attention or you are being intentionally divisive. He thrives on this shit and has gained way more money than he ever would without it. Of course he wants to win again.
I think he may be worried that all of the money he stole will be uncovered if he continues to have the spotlight pointed at him.
It’s too late for that. He’s already being incessantly investigated. You may have had a point at the start of his presidency, but he needs it now to stay out of prison. Whether or not he makes a lot more money is irrelevant if he’s in prison
If he’s president, his theft won’t matter for another 4 years, which he’ll (working with the GOP) try to make permanent.
I think he’s of two minds about it. I think he both hated it but also feels like an empty shell no longer having that notoriety and power.
He doesn’t want to be President because of the actual running of the country, he to be president because of the protections it gives him, real and imagined, and the power it gives him to do things like pardon people to keep their loyalty.
He wants to be it because of the attention it gets him.
That’s all it’s ever been.
Fucked up how detached from reality people like him are where they can treat a nation like a plaything to be broken and tossed aside.
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Like legal restrictions have ever stopped him from doing anything.
Orange fruit is also orange in color.
People are surprised that a defendant tries everything they can to avoid punishment?
If you read the article you’d see that the headline is referencing how he’s just going through the motions of putting on a legal defense, without really submitting serious legal arguments.
I love Marcy Wheeler’s analysis. She’s so good. Also, did Trump write those himself? lol
Yeah, didn’t we already know that? I feel like every cynic I know has already loudly said this . . .