One less asshole to worry about.
Reveling on someone’s death no matter how despicable isn’t healthy in any way shape or form.
You can choose silence instead of spewing negativity.
Sir this is Pat Robertson we’re talking about. Of course people who’s lives have been impacted by his hate are going to be happy
Being happy is one thing, but hating on a dead person is something else. Also It’s one thing to say “I’m glad his negativity isn’t around” versus cussing him out and saying cynical negative things. There’s a balance here.
This is my opinion and my experience that hating on the dead isn’t a good feeling for the one saying it and others reading it. These people claim to be morally better? Come on
Rest in piss.
@const_void Doesn’t #CBN peddle the prosperity gospel and other heresies?
It is sad that he died but I’m not going to pretend that a network broadcast a fake gospel is a net positive for #Christianity.
If Jesus were real, which he isn’t, and if he were alive today, which again, he never existed. I assume he would be flipping tables in every Southern Baptist Convention. Plus all the kiddy stuff.
@kamenoko As a #Christian, Jesus is alive (just in Heaven, not on Earth) and yes, He would flip tables over both, most likely.