Tbh, the worst part is when you pay for it and still get ads anyway. Feels like double dipping, but it’s obviously going to happen because wall street doesn’t like when line only goes up a little.
Yeah that’s totally galling. Shrinkflation for online services.
You know some shiny-suited corporate asshole got a huge bonus for coming up with that though.
Enshrinklification of the internet
Welcome to cable TV in the late 80s…
Yeah it’s crazy. We have TV plan with some 100 channels bundled up with internet, and sometimes rarely when I watch TV I’m just baffled by the fact a paid service still is full of ads
The price of playing skyrim for every minute of my life until I die
With game pass: Over $9000.00
Just buying the game: $59.99
59,99 on every platform the game gets released on because Todd won’t stop
Me but with Factorio and even more hours
2000 hours gang, where y’all at?
Never pay any of this services BTW, I have no regrets and I never feel that I miss something.
Same. I would never pay them for their shitty little services. Imagine paying monthly for dropbox, sporify etc for years… That’s so much money.
I don’t hate subscription based services if they’re priced fairly and make sense.
Paying monthly for a service that then starts giving you less, adds more premium plans, introduces ads, etc. is garbage.
Paying for a game, then having to pay a monthly fee to play (WoW, for example), is garbage.
Paying for software, but then having to pay monthly to use the software, is garbage.
Paying for software, but then having to pay monthly to be allowed to contact support (Blue Iris), is garbage.
But paying for things like Spotify, where you get access to pretty much all songs as they release, have no limit on how much you listen to, and it has a fair student pricing or family pricing, that’s fine. Way better than paying per song.
I mean shit, if I paid for every song I have in my library on Spotify, I’d owe $1430. My Spotify is $17 per month, spit between 4 people, so I pay $4.25. I can either pay for every song in my library and not add any more, or pay for Spotify for 28 years and continue growing my library…
Spotify is the only subscription I still pay for. That’s it. Everything else is whack
Honestly, this.
The economics of the world are such that people need to be paid for the content they produce. Having a direct relationship between me as the consumer and them as the producer is the way we don’t get shit like all of the ad-based spyware that surrounds shit like Facebook. It won’t completely prevent it, but it gives a good business plan for it not to happen.
I’d vastly prefer something that didn’t require some megacorp as evil as Amazon. But… this could actually make as much sense as is possible with our current economic system.
Personally I listen to new music for free and then buy the songs I like to support the artist. Spotify doesn’t pay them shit afterall
There was a prophetic podcast episode from the series Plain English a while back that I constantly think about.
In that episode the author describes how the internet is going through a revolution.
Basically 20 years ago, the internet was all about gaining numbers. Companies could operate at a loss if they got people signed up. Facebook, Google, YouTube, Uber, Deliveroo, etc. they were all about getting you in their mailing list or consumer list and who cares what happens then.
Now there’s an issue because that model is not profitable. In order to continue, all the internet is moving towards subscription.
In a sense, I don’t think of that as intrinsically bad. Patreon is a good example. The internet is now filled up with so much shit that people are willing to pay to filter it. So with Patreon, you pay a fee to support an artist to produce the content you want. That itself isn’t a bad idea.
Now that being said, a lot of “bad things” do emerge. The fact that you can no longer buy software like Adobe and it’s all subscription based. That’s shit. But that also inspired software alternatives like Affinity Designer.
I present to thee enshittification.
It’s not that I don’t want to pay for the service, it’s just that I hate the automatic recurring withdrawals, even if I can cancel monthly.
I would probably use more subscriptions if I could just pay like three month of access in advance - basically like these gift cards work.
It’s not that i don’t want to pay, it’s just that their “service” isn’t serving me and thus not worth the money.
Give me my cd’s back lol. Let me own what i purchase.
I use an iPod that I’ve modded 128gb into. It’s great. All the convenience of my own high quality music library, without having hundreds of CDs around.
My phone is 512gb and i use about 80 myself, largest part is porn(yeah i’m aware, it’s bad…very bad,i need some time).
I’ve decided to start pirating again as my device has plenty of space to keep my music.
The biggest thing is getting all lf the music, so nowadays i’ll just play what i have and sometimes go: “oh damn i forgot about billie eilish” for example and make a mental note until the next time i’m at my computer with some time to spare.
Slowly but steadily decreasing my porn stock and replacing it with music i would’ve bought as cd’s.
As long as the porn is legal and consensual, then knock yourself out.
Nah, it needs to be brought down a couple notches.
It’s bad.
The porn is legal, just so we’re clear on that lol.
Aren’t most of these services offering 6-12 months plans that are cheaper on average?
Yes. Fucking yes. I’m so tired of it all. I just want to own things again.
Cancelled prime yesterday, felt great.
Last service standing is HBO and I’m thinking to cancel that shit too.
Do it.
I just got charged $165 a couple days ago from two yearly subscriptions I totally forgot I had. We need a better solution. The banks should just implement the usage of Virtual Cards like Privacy.com does. It’d be so much more convent for people to cancel subscriptions, if they’re allowed to have multiple different virtual cards that they can easily toggle on or off.
Why don’t the banks do this?
We need a better solution
Sorry to sound harsh, but…self control?
I have a subscription for a VPN. I’ve been sitting here for a couple of minutes trying to think of others. I suppose my internet etc is a subscription
I can’t think of anything else
I just have a subscription for music and cloud storage, that’s it. I don’t understand how some people have all of the subscriptions
Why don’t the banks do this?
They get a cut of every transaction, and the more debt you accrue, the more money the bank makes if you carry a balance. They are financially disincentivized from protecting you from your spending.
The banks are in on it.
Why don’t the banks do this?
Both of my banks allow unlimited virtual card creation. I think it just depends on where you live.
Most subscriptions can be canceled with a few clicks, usually right after buying it without loosing the paid for time. If you cant manage your subscriptions, that sounds like a problem you should address yourself instead.
Your suggested solution of simply turning off the credit card the subscription is linked to doesn’t cancel said subscription, it just results in a breach of contract from your side. That only works cause most companies can’t be asked to deal with you, otherwise the subscriptions would continue and the incurring cost would sooner or later be sent to a collecting agency, with additional charges for late payments.
I basically canceled almost all my subscriptions and pirate stuff. Except music, since I build a CD collection and buy the rest online which is still cheaper than a streaming service and I can keep the music as long as I want without having that songs will get removed from the service.
For music piracy if you’re needin’ try soulseek. I understand collecting physical items though, I do it with records, comics, and VHS tapes, just figured I’d spread the word just in case.
Learn to torrent and throw Plex or Jellyfin onto your computer then you have your own Spotify and Netflix
Plex doesn’t offer everything Spotify can though.
Use the Plexamp app
I know Plex can stream music but it does not have a ability of discovery like Spotify has. Not even YouTube comes close.
For those who set music trends, spotify is a must.
Not sure if you mean finding more music or having people find music you create. If you intend for people to find your music you created on a private self hosted platform you obviously need to look elsewhere but if you want to find new music to listen to there are still options.
You can connect Tidal to your Plex and listen to any music on Tidal on Plex and get discovery/recommendations. You can also connect Plex to Last.fm and get recommendations that way. If you want to manually discover music you can use a site that does that like everynoise.com
Bezos is no longer relevant to Amazon making changes.
Umm yes, he’s the executive chair of the board https://ir.aboutamazon.com/officers-and-directors/default.aspx
Fuck you Spotify! I download my mp3 just like cool kids did 20 years ago, and it suits me just fine!
There’s ads in Dropbox?
He should just dump Amazon Video simply because it is so bad. The days of good programming with them died in 2016-2017.