I guess they didn’t want people to end up calling it P Road

  • @[email protected]
    81 year ago

    If the people that live there don’t want the name then it should be changed. The council consulted the local iwi and got a stupid name about moving in a crab formation, I’m pretty sure we can swap that out for another name without cultural uproar.

    • BlueÆther
      41 year ago

      well it’s a new subdivision that isn’t named yet, the local Iwi were consulted and put forth papakangahorohoro as the traditional name for the land

        • BlueÆther
          11 year ago

          “Residents of a new Whakatāne subdivision have rejected the Māori name chosen by local iwi Ngāti Awa, calling it impractical and too long.”

          “Under the council’s Road Naming and Property Addressing Policy, the subdivision developer has the responsibility to suggest appropriate names for roads, but consultation with relevant iwi is required.”

          “In a meeting on August 18, council put forward the motion for approval of the road name “Papakangahorohoro Road”. Council staff wanted to proceed given the area had “huge cultural significance” to Ngati Awa. The motion was supported by mayor Victor Luca.”

          Please read the article.

          PS I have ad an address of lot xxx/yyy, suburb. before a ‘proper’ address was gazetted.